How and what we ship by road


UNISPED AG offers a regular road transport service covering the main European, port, airport and intermodal terminals.
Our long experience and network of international partners allow us to offer a service tailored to the customer's needs.
The services offered include both complete trucks and groupage trucks, refrigerated trucks and special cargo, loaded at the reference warehouses.
Each stage of international or national transport by land is directly cared for and managed through a network of carriers whose reliability has been tested over time.

3,661 billion tkm (tons per kilometer), this is the number of goods transported in 2016 in the entire European Union, which corresponds to 1.2% more than in 2014. An important figure, however, which is 8.2% lower than the record figure of 2007.

Looking at the breakdown by mode of transport, the ANFIA dossier shows that road freight traffic continues to be preferred over other modes. If sea and air are excluded, the road handled 67% of goods in 1995 and about 73% in 2016. Road therefore represents almost ¾ of the total transported on land; followed by rail transport with 16.6%, inland navigation with 5.9% and oil pipelines with 4.6%. If we also exclude pipelines, due to the specificity of the goods transported, road has a share of 76%, rail 17.4% and inland navigation 6%.

(source: ANFIA- “Focus trasporto merci su strada“)

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